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Battle Scene by Sebastiaen Vrancx. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
November 24, 2020
KnoWhy 586; Ether 14:21–23
Pahoran by James Fullmer
August 11, 2020
KnoWhy 573; Alma 61:2
“There you shall meet them, on the East of the River Sidon” by Caleb Williams. Third Place Winner of the 2019 Book of Mormon Central Art Contest.
August 4, 2020
KnoWhy 572; Alma 44:3–4
The Purifying Path of Obedience, Sacrifice, and Consecration by Dan Burrr. Image via Gospel Media Library.
June 30, 2020
KnoWhy 567; Alma 24:15
Zeniff Battle by James Fullmer, Book of Mormon Central Adaptation
April 10, 2018
KnoWhy #423; Helaman 11:25
Photo by Levi XU via Unsplash
December 14, 2017
KnoWhy #390; Alma 39:11
Knight by Masson
November 2, 2017
KnoWhy #378; 2 Nephi 1:23
Zoramites and the Rameumptom by Jerry Thompson via
March 6, 2017
KnoWhy #283; Alma 31:28
Batalla del Rio Sidon by Jorge Cocco
February 13, 2017
KnoWhy #274; Alma 27:24
Christ Ordains the Apostles via LDS Media Library
December 9, 2016
KnoWhy #249; Moroni 2:3
Consequences of Two Kings by Brian C. Hailes
December 8, 2016
KnoWhy #248; Ether 15:31
Mormon Bids Farewell to a Once Great Nation by Arnold Friberg
November 16, 2016
KnoWhy #232; Mormon 6:17
Siege of the Stripling Sons by Brian Hailes
November 15, 2016
KnoWhy #231; Mormon 6:14
Mormon and Ammaron by James Fullmer
November 10, 2016
KnoWhy #228; Mormon 3:1
Mormon Abridging the Plates by Tom Lovell
November 9, 2016
KnoWhy #227; Mormon 2:18
Amaron y Mormon by Jorge Cocco
November 8, 2016
KnoWhy #226; Mormon 1:2
The Gadianton robbers and their lamb-skin. Image by Book of Mormon Central.
September 20, 2016
KnoWhy #191; 3 Nephi 4:7
James Fullmer collage by Book of Mormon Central
August 29, 2016
KnoWhy #175; Helaman 4:25
Teancum by James Fullmer
August 22, 2016
KnoWhy #170; Alma 62:36
Image of Captain Moroni by Jody Livingston
August 18, 2016
KnoWhy #168; Alma 59:3
Nephites' Last Battle, Harold T. (Dale) Kilbourn
August 12, 2016
KnoWhy #164; Alma 56:30
Painting by James Fullmer
August 10, 2016
KnoWhy #162; Alma 54:16